Sample module in position -stick-lefttop-
Sample module in position -stick-leftmiddle-
Sample module in position -stick-leftbottom-
Sample module in position -righttop-
Sample module in position -stickrightmiddle-
Sample module in position -rightbottom-

Position "promo-left"

This is a sample module in position “promo-left”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "promo-right"

This is a sample module in position “promo-right”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "content-top"

This is a sample module in position “content-top”. All modules in this position will be arranged in horizontal row. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user1"

This is a sample module in position “user1”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user2"

This is a sample module in position “user2”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Die Therapie der Kieferfehlstellung (CMD) erfolgt in den meisten Fällen über eine Aufbissschiene.
Meist werden zwei Schienen benötigt. Eine nicht segmentierte Schiene für die Nacht und zum Essen.
Eine segmentierte Schiene für den täglichen Gebrauch; sie ist unsichtbar und daher auch während
der Berufsausübung und in Gesellschaft gut zu tragen. Durch das Freilassen der Front kann die
Zunge ungehindert artikulieren, sodass Verspannungen in der Zungen- und Unterzungenmuskulatur
verhindert werden.
In den meisten Fällen müssen die Schienen die ersten Monate immer getragen werden.
Wenn sich die kybernetische Einheit Kiefergelenk / oberer HWS-Bereich, die sog. Kopfgelenke,
stabilisiert haben, kann es häufig ausreichen, die Schiene nur noch nachts oder nach Bedarf zu tragen. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, kann eine prothetische oder kieferorthopädische Einstellung der myozentrischen Bisslage oder die Herstellung einer Dauerschiene erwogen werden.

Position "user3"

This is a sample module in position “user3”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user4"

This is a sample module in position “user4”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "innerleft"

This is sample module in position innerleft. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nisl id lectus ultricies ut elementum nulla ornare. Nulla sed mi massa, at tincidunt felis.

Position "left"

This is a sample module in position left. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nisl id lectus ultricies ut elementum nulla ornare. Nulla sed mi massa, at tincidunt felis.

Position "content-bottom"

This is a sample module in position “content-bottom”. All modules in this position will be arranged in horizontal row. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "content-bottom"

This is a sample module in position “content-bottom”. All modules in this position will be arranged in horizontal row. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user5"

This is a sample module in position “user5”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user6"

This is a sample module in position "user6". All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user7"

This is a sample module in position "user7". All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

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