Sample module in position -stick-lefttop-
Sample module in position -stick-leftmiddle-
Sample module in position -stick-leftbottom-
Sample module in position -righttop-
Sample module in position -stickrightmiddle-
Sample module in position -rightbottom-

Position "promo-left"

This is a sample module in position “promo-left”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "promo-right"

This is a sample module in position “promo-right”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "content-top"

This is a sample module in position “content-top”. All modules in this position will be arranged in horizontal row. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user1"

This is a sample module in position “user1”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user2"

This is a sample module in position “user2”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Das Ziel der Behandlung ist es, Ober- und Unterkiefer so zu zuordnen, dass ein neuromuskuläres
Gleichgewicht aller beteiligten Muskelgruppen erzielt werden kann und eine stressfreie Situation
für Zähne, Kiefergelenk, Wirbelsäule und Muskulatur gegeben ist.
Wenn funktionellen Wirbelsäulenstörungen hinzukommen, kann dieses Ziel nur mit Unterstützung
orthopädischer und manualmedizinischer Begleittherapien erreicht werden. Die meisten dieser
Schmerzprobleme können nur aus ganzheitlicher Sicht und multidisziplinär erfolgreich gelöst werden.
Zur Diagnostik und Therapie benötigen wir u. a. elektromyographische Untersuchungen der
Kau-, Kopf- und Halsmuskulatur, Bewegungsaufzeichnungen des Unterkiefers und sonographische
Aufzeichnungen der Kiefergelenkgeräusche.

Position "user3"

This is a sample module in position “user3”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user4"

This is a sample module in position “user4”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "innerleft"

This is sample module in position innerleft. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nisl id lectus ultricies ut elementum nulla ornare. Nulla sed mi massa, at tincidunt felis.

Position "left"

This is a sample module in position left. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc varius nisl id lectus ultricies ut elementum nulla ornare. Nulla sed mi massa, at tincidunt felis.

Position "content-bottom"

This is a sample module in position “content-bottom”. All modules in this position will be arranged in horizontal row. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "content-bottom"

This is a sample module in position “content-bottom”. All modules in this position will be arranged in horizontal row. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user5"

This is a sample module in position “user5”. All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user6"

This is a sample module in position "user6". All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

Position "user7"

This is a sample module in position "user7". All modules in this position will be arranged in vertical column. The whole position will be collapsed, if there are no modules published.

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